2017 ISC Digital Strategy Conference

The ISC Digital Strategy conference took place at Microsoft Headquarters on Thursday 30 November.

Following the success of the 2016 conference, the focus of the day had 3 main elements:

  1. To establish where schools are
  2. To provide an effective digital strategy that impacts on policy, pedagogy and technology in the learning environment.
  3. To detail the Action Research Projects to collaborate on with our schools and technology partners, over the next academic year.

Presentations from the Conference

VR/AR Action Research
The Digital Future School
Tools for 21st Century
GDPR - Action Research 1
GDPR - Action Research 2
Analytics - Action Research
International Perspective
Practice - Skills for 21st Century
Learning Strategy

Videos from the Conference

Introduction to Conference and Action Research Projects
An International Perspective
Strategy - Continuity of learning (365 and the cloud)
Mark Reynolds