Belhaven Hill School Trust Ltd

Belhaven Hill, a preparatory school for boys and girls, is a non-profit making charitable trust, administered by a board of governors and in membership with the I.A.P.S. It was established in 1923, 400m from the sea and in 12 acres of land, close to the town of Dunbar. Of the 120 pupils approximately 60% full board, before moving on to the major boarding schools in England and Scotland.

Belhaven Road
East Lothian
EH42 1NN

+44 (0)1368 862785

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ISC associations: IAPS, ISBA

Religious affiliation: Christian

Day/boarding type: Day and Full Boarding

Gender profile: Coeducational

Size: 141

Belhaven Hill School Trust Ltd fees:

Boarding fees per term:

Day fees per term:
£4,500 to £8,500

Scholarships & bursaries:

ISC reference number:

SEED Number:

Boys - age range & pupil numbers:

Day: 5 to 13 (44)

Boarding: 8 to 13 (40)

Girls - age range & pupil numbers:

Day: 5 to 13 (37)

Boarding: 8 to 13 (20)


Belhaven Hill School was founded as an educational charity in 1923. The Board of Governors takes this responsibility seriously and has set out to make a Belhaven education accessible to all, regardless of a family’s financial circumstances. Belhaven Hill offers means tested bursaries to existing pupils and new applicants at all stages. The total amount available for bursarial awards is subject to budgetary constraints and varies from year to year. In the current School session 20 pupils are in receipt of means tested support, this equates to 16% of the roll. 20% of awards are for 100% of fees, 45% receive support of between 50% to 99% of fees and the remaining 35% are in receipt of bursaries between 10% and 50% of fees. In addition to fee support, funds are available, at the headmaster’s discretion, to assist with music fees, School trips, uniform and other miscellaneous expenses. The number of 100% bursaries has increased over the past 3 year from 1 award in 2015 to 4 100% awards in the current year. Applications for bursaries are made annually by submitting the completed application form, which is available on the School’s website, and sending to the School Bursar marked “Private and Confidential” before the 10th January for entry the following September. The application must be completed by both parents or all those with parental rights and responsibilities. Assessments can only be done where applications are complete and an incomplete application could result in no award being made.

If there are particular family circumstances that are pertinent to your application, please ensure that you outline them in your Confidential Statement or in a covering letter enclosed with it. As with financial details, all personal information will be treated as completely confidential and only disclosed to the Board of Governors in anonymised form. Applications are assessed by the School’s Independent Advisors who will contact you should they require additional information. Offers of bursaries will be made in writing before the end of the Spring term. All bursary applications are reassessed annually and may be varied depending on family financial circumstances. Further information can be obtained from the School’s Financial Controller or can be found on the School’s website

Belhaven Hill School is a member of the Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS). We encourage and support applications for funding through the IAPS School Access Scheme which was set up in 2015 to support children from families who would not otherwise benefit from a private education and the opportunities that this provides. Applications should be made in the autumn term prior to the year of entry. Further information is available from the Headmaster or from the IAPS website

From September 2019, Belhaven Hill will offer scholarships - worth up to 10% of the fees - to two new entrants, one in Form 5 and one in Form 6, who demonstrate exceptional academic and ‘all round’ potential. Applicants for these scholarships will be assessed in a series of basic academic tests, sporting, musical or artistic ability and by informal interview. Please contact the Headmaster to be considered for an award at Belhaven Hill.

Belhaven also offers sibling discounts to families with 3 or more children at the school concurrently. In 2016 the Board reviewed the sibling discount policy and moved towards more means testing to ensure that discounts are being directed to those in most need of assistance. Families with 3 children attending at the same time receive a 35% remission of fees for the youngest child, those with 4 children receive remission of 50% for the youngest child for as long as the children attend concurrently.

Scholarships & Bursaries offered

  • H M Forces discounts
  • Sibling discounts
  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils

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