More House School

Founded in 1953, by the Canonesses of St Augustine, at the request of a group of parents determined to send their daughters to a Catholic London day school. The school occupies two interconnecting townhouses in the heart of Knightsbridge. Pupils of all faiths and none are welcome and the school has a broad cultural mix. Girls are provided with a rounded education, designed to allow individual strengths to shine through.

22-24 Pont Street

+44 (0)20 7235 2855

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ISC associations: GSA, AGBIS, ISBA, The Society of Heads

Religious affiliation: Roman Catholic

Day/boarding type: Day

Gender profile: Girls only

Size: 130

More House School fees:

Day fees per term:

Scholarships & bursaries:

ISC reference number:

DfE reference number:
207 / 6202

Girls - age range & pupil numbers:

Day: 11 to 18 (130)

Sixth Form: (32)

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Support in the form of bursaries is available to those wishing to attend the School but who are unable to pay the fees, or only a proportion of the fees.  They are generally offered to pupils joining at Year 7 or in Sixth Form. 

A copy of the Bursary Award Policy and Procedures 2021 - 2022 can be obtained by contacting the Registrar at the school.  Those wishing to be considered for bursary support are then required to complete a Bursary Application giving full details of their financial situation, supported by relevant documents.  This is dealt with an independent company BAL or 'Bursary Administration Limited.'  Bursary remission on fees is assessed according to need and the availability of bursary funds to the School.

To apply for a means-tested bursary for new applicants you will need to be registered with the school and have completed and returned your bursary application by 30th November.  Decisions are made by the end of February the following year.    

All bursary applications are subject to annual means-testing and may be varied upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstances and financial information provided on review.


At any time before or up to the closing date for registrations (12th November), parents may apply for consideration for a scholarship for their daughter by notifying the Registrar on the examination form.

Academic Scholarships

At More House, all students with Academic Scholarships will have been identified as belonging to the ‘high attainers’ in a relevant subject area and will therefore be tracked and provided for in line with the school’s More Able policy. Scholars are expected to complete the Extended Project Qualification in the Lower Sixth or fulfil another extension activity that has equivalent academic challenge (eg. enter national competitions). Those with an Academic Scholarship at More House have access to an annual research grant (up to £500 for Years 7 - 8, £1000 for Years 9,10 and 11 and £2000 for Sixth Form) to which they apply, to the Head, for books, courses and other research/scholarly activities. 

Assessment: In the case of Academic Scholarships these are awarded on the performance in the 11+ Entrance Examination itself, an interview with the Head in the Autumn Term and a reference from the pupil’s current school.

Art & Design Scholarships

Students awarded Art & Design Scholarships are expected to participate fully in the school’s Art  Department as well as visiting exhibitions and attending lectures. They are also encouraged to exhibit  their work each year in school, and also to share their expertise and skills with pupils from More  House and other feeder schools. Students awarded Art & Design Scholarships, like Academic, also  have access to a grant each year (up to £500 for Years 7-8, £1000 for Years 9,10 and 11 and £2000 for  Sixth Form) to support their artistic development in consultation with the Head of Art and the Head.

Assessment: A formal interview in January, lasting around an hour. This will include a practical drawing task and an interview with the Head of Art.  The candidate will also need to bring in their art portfolio with a new of different pieces which are listed in the scholarship booklet. 

Drama Scholarships

Students awarded Drama Scholarships are expected to be ambassadors for their subject, taking opportunities to develop their abilities while they are at More House. Those opportunities that make up the minimum expectation for drama scholars include auditioning for all plays, supporting (or producing) student dramatic work. Drama Scholarship  beneficiaries have access to a grant each year (up to £500 for Years 7-8, £1000 for Years 9,10 and 11 and £2000 for Sixth  Form) to support the development of their drama skills, in consultation with the Head of Drama and the Head.

Assessment: A formal interview in January, lasting no more than 30 minutes, with the Head of Drama to discuss experience within the creative arts and demonstrate practical skill through the performance of one published monologue. To help communicate understanding of theory and practical skill, a portfolio is recommended. This will form the basis of discussion during the final part of the interview.

Music Scholarships

Students awarded music scholarships are expected to participate fully in the school’s Music  department. Not only to perform in concerts, but they are encouraged to share their expertise and  skills with pupils from More House and other feeder schools. Students that are awarded Music  Scholarships, like Academic, also have access to a grant each year (up to £500 for Years 7-8, £1000 for Years 9,10 and 11 and £2000 for Sixth Form) to support their musical development in consultation with the Director of Music and the Head. A candidate should be capable of playing at least one first study instrument (including voice) at grade 4 – 5 standard. It is not necessary to have actually passed these exams.

Assessment:  Each candidate will be invited to a formal interview with the Head of Music lasting no more than thirty minutes to discuss their musical aspirations, what they feel they could offer the school, and  what they feel they would get out of being a music scholar. 

Candidates will then be asked to perform two pieces on their first instrument, or one on their  first and one on their second. In addition, there will be short sight-reading and aural tests. If an accompanist is required, this must be provided by the candidate.

We would additionally ask candidates to bring with them the most recent mark sheets of Associated Board or Trinity Exams that they have taken on the instruments that they are playing at the audition.

Sport Scholarships

Candidates are expected to demonstrate outstanding ability, games awareness and remarkable potential in their chosen sport. They should be participating at school ‘A’ team standard in their chosen sport and be representing a team at Club, County, Regional or National level.  A grant is available each year (up to £500  for Years 7-8, £1000 for Years 9,10 and 11 and £2000  for Sixth Form) to support the development of their  sporting skills, in consultation with the Head of PE and the Head.

Assessment:  Candidates will be invited for an interview in January with the Head of PE for approx. 30 minutes about their sporting achievements; knowledge of rules and tactics relevant to the major sports; current sporting affairs and their expectations for involvement within More House. 

Applicants will be asked to bring to interview a portfolio of their sporting experience and achievements (this could include some video footage) and references from a PE teacher or coach.

Sixth Form Entry

These are given to girls entering the Sixth Form that we believe have shown talent and indeed potential for the rigours of the coming years as well as acting as excellent role models. So, while the talent may vary from skills in different spheres academic, to sporting to creativity – the approach to life and willingness to work hard are the same. A grant, up to the value of £2000 is available to support the development of an area of interest which will complement their A level subjects, This will be in consultation with the Head of Sixth Form and the Head.

Assessment: Candidates should register as usual in the year prior to entry including a letter outlining their wish to be considered for a Sixth Form Scholarship.  They will then be required to attend an interview with the Head and Head of Sixth Form. The date for the Scholarship Interview will be after the Mock Examinations and the pupil has received their predicted grades.

Students with Sixth Form Academic or All - Rounder Scholarships are expected to complete the Extended Project Qualification in the Lower Sixth or fulfil another extension activity that has equivalent academic challenge (eg. enter national competitions).

Scholarships & Bursaries offered

  • Academic scholarships
  • All Rounder awards
  • Art scholarships
  • Drama scholarships
  • Music scholarships
  • Sport scholarships
  • Sixth Form scholarships
  • Sibling discounts
  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils

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