St Paul's Girls' School

ISC associations: GSA, AGBIS, ISBA, HMC

Religious affiliation: All Faiths

Day/boarding type: Day

Gender profile: Girls only

Size: 806

St Paul's Girls' School fees:

Day fees per term:
£9,982 to £10,732

Scholarships & bursaries:

ISC reference number:

DfE reference number:
205 / 6011

Girls - age range & pupil numbers:

Day: 11 to 18 (806)

Sixth Form: (226)

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Bursaries awarded at St Paul's Girls' School are financially means tested and offered on entry to pupils who meet the school's normal academic and residence requirements and, whose parents have demonstrated an inability to afford the fees. The current total household income threshold (for all earners) is £110k gross but each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Consideration will be made in property equity, other assets held (ie; additional property owned at home and/or abroad), savings and other sources of income (ie; financial support from relatives). Any mitigating circumstances in a household which may impact on a family's ability to afford full fees will also be considered. Examples include ill health of a parent, recent redundancy or sudden loss of employment, high debt/ expenses that cannot be avoided, inability to borrow against existing means. A typical 100% bursary profile would consist of a household income up to £65k gross, the family living in rental property and with little or no savings. Prior to joining St Paul’s Girls’, the pupil would typically come from a state school however we are seeing more pupils coming from the independent sector qualifying for a full bursary. In addition to full fees remission, 100% award holders receive additional grants towards textbooks, travel to and from school, trips and sports uniform. All award holders receive an annual grant towards textbooks and where appropriate full remission of the public examination fees. Bursaries are assessed annually in the summer term. Currently bursaries are only available to new entrants in Year 7 and 12. Hardship bursaries using the same assessment criteria are also available to families where household financial circumstances suddenly change. Before a hardship application can be made, a family is required to have paid fees for two whole academic years beforehand.

Find out more about scholarships and bursaries at this school.

Scholarships & Bursaries offered

  • Art scholarships
  • Choral scholarships
  • Drama scholarships
  • Music scholarships
  • Sibling discounts
  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils

Visit our website for more information

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