Palmers Green High School

Palmers Green High School is an independent selective day school for girls aged 3-16. The school provides a first class education with excellent pastoral care. The Nursery is for 3-4 year old girls, most of whom transfer to Reception at PGHS. The school has been ranked number 1 in The Sunday Times Parent Power league table for small schools since 2018 based on its GCSE/IGCSE results. All aspects of the school were judged excellent in its latest inspection.

104 Hoppers Road
Winchmore Hill
N21 3LJ

+44 (0)20 8886 1135

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ISC associations: GSA, AGBIS, ISBA, ISA

Religious affiliation: Non-denominational

Day/boarding type: Day

Gender profile: Girls only

Size: 244

Palmers Green High School fees:

Day fees per term:
£2,350 to £6,375

Scholarships & bursaries:

ISC reference number:

DfE reference number:
308 / 6001

Girls - age range & pupil numbers:

Day: 3 to 17 (244)

View inspection report for this school `

Academic Scholarships and Subject Awards at 11+

Academic Scholarships and Subject Awards, for which internal and external candidates are equally eligible, may be awarded to candidates who perform well in the 11+ Entrance Examination in Mathematics and/or English. All pupils sitting the Entrance Examination on Saturday 12th November 2022 will be considered for these Academic Scholarships and Awards.

Academic Scholarships and Awards may be offered to the candidate or candidates who have, in the opinion of the Headmistress, achieved a high standard of attainment relative not only to the other candidates but also to the standards set by the School. If no candidate meets these requirements, then the School may decide not to offer any Academic Scholarships or Subject Awards.

Additional Scholarships at 11+

Your daughter can apply for any number of Scholarships.

Art Scholarship, Drama Scholarship, Music Scholarship and Sport Scholarship

Please follow the link to the Scholarship section of the PGHS website where you will find Scholarship Information documents and Application Forms for each subject.

Value of Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships and Awards will be awarded at a rate of no more than 5% of School fees. They may be awarded in conjunction with a Bursary. Scholarships and Awards are held for the duration of a pupil’s time at the School, subject to sustained levels of performance and participation.

Bursaries at 11+

A limited number of means-tested Bursaries giving assistance towards the tuition fees are available for entrance into the School at 11+. Bursary forms are available from the School on request, and all parents wishing to be considered for a Bursary should complete and submit this form before their daughter sits the 11+ Entrance Examination on Saturday 12th November 2022. Before requesting a Bursary form, parents must first register their daughter for a place.

Bursaries are means tested in accordance with the School’s criteria. Both parents are required to provide proof of their income and assets. The level of support varies according to parental need and the funds available. Before the offer of a Bursary is confirmed, a member of staff and/or a member of the Governing Body may visit the family at their home.

Bursaries are reviewed annually and the School reserves the right to require parents to provide evidence of financial circumstances each year.

The retention of a Bursary, Scholarship or Subject Award for the full five years of the Senior School for a successful candidate will be dependent on continuing merit and satisfactory behaviour as judged by the Headmistress.

Assessment dates for 2023 intake

Year 7 entrance and scholarship examination: Saturday 12th November 2022.

If you require any further information please contact the School on or call 020 8886 1135.

Scholarships & Bursaries offered

  • Academic scholarships
  • Art scholarships
  • Drama scholarships
  • Music scholarships
  • Sport scholarships
  • Sibling discounts
  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils

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