• Barnaby Lenon, ISC chairman

    "Partnerships work best when they grow out of genuine need and enthusiasm. 75% of ISC schools are in mutually beneficial partnerships with local schools."


Partnership work

Nearly all ISC schools are in mutually beneficial partnerships with other local schools.

Independent and state school partnerships

The best partnerships develop between teachers really wanting to work together, out of genuine local relationships and enthusiasms, not dictated from the top.

ISC schools are hugely different - from the very large well known schools, to the very small or non-selective schools serving local aspirational families. Half of ISC schools have fewer than 300 pupils. They therefore need to work in ways appropriate to their circumstances and according to the local situation and need.

For some larger schools, this will take the form of sponsoring academies. 23 independent schools are leading the sector’s involvement with academies and free schools.

For other schools, it will be a partnership based on cooperation and collaboration between independent schools and the maintained schools in their area. Independent schools are very keen to work with local schools and many have been doing this kind of work for years. Contributing to and sharing with the local community is part of the very charitable ethos and purpose of our schools.

See our latest Celebrating Partnerships booklet here.

Some larger ISC schools sponsor academies

Working with state schools

Our schools work with state schools in all sorts of ways.

We provide qualified teachers in specialist subjects to state schools.

We share expertise to support pupils with university applications.

We run joint extra-curricular programmes where the state school is an equal partner.

We provide GCSE and A-level revision classes.

We provide classes in subjects not on offer at some state schools, such as classics and modern foreign languages.

We offer shared subject workshops and masterclasses.

We provide coaching with music, drama and sport.

We offer Saturday schools to local state schools, for example, providing local children with music, dance and drama teaching.

ISC schools provide coaching and support with music, drama and sport

Independent schools' contribution to the economy

Oxford Economics, a global consultancy, were commissioned by ISC in 2022 to assess the economic contribution made by ISC schools annually.

ISC schools contributed £14.1 billion to the UK economy in 2021.

ISC schools support more than 282,000 jobs in the UK, which is similar to employment across a city the size of Liverpool.

ISC schools contribute £4.3 billion in annual tax revenues, equivalent to £154 per UK household.

ISC schools save the taxpayer £3.8 billion per year - enough to pay 460,000 pensions.

Read more: The Impact of Independent Schools on the British Economy Report

ISC schools contributed £14.1 billion to the UK economy in 2021