• Julie Robinson, ISC chief executive

    "ISC schools are considered to be amongst the best in the world. They continue to attract international students, who are welcomed at our schools for the global perspective they bring."



International students with parents living overseas make up 4.6% of the pupil population and bring with them a rich global perspective.

Independent school culture

International pupils are warmly welcomed at ISC schools - bringing a global perspective to life at British schools, enriching the community’s diversity and refreshing the school’s culture and social life.

In addition, international students build up invaluable affection for our country and culture, which when they return home may last all their lives.

Overseas pupils' contribution

International pupils with parents living overseas form 4.6% of ISC pupils, or 25,469 pupils with key overseas markets being Hong Kong, China and Germany.

There are 36,334 foreign nationals at ISC schools whose parents live in the UK, which makes a total of 11.2% at ISC schools.

5% of ISC school leavers chose to study outside the UK, the USA is by far the most popular destination attracting over 50% of ISC pupils going to overseas universities.

Overseas pupils contribute to the UK economy in a number of ways, including paying school fees, consumer spending and expenditure by visiting family. Their contribution is an estimated £2 billion.

Read more in the ISC Annual Census.

4.6% of ISC pupils come from overseas