ISC Annual Census 2015

14 May 2015

There are now record numbers of pupils at 1,267 ISC member schools - 517,113 pupils, the highest level since records began in 1974.

(Reports are based on surveys carried out in January of each year.)

This report is based on a survey carried out in January 2015. All 1,267 schools in UK membership of the constituent associations of ISC completed the survey. All information relates to January 2015, except for information on post-18 school leavers and entry to Higher Education, which relates to entry in autumn 2014.

Our 2015 Census has revealed that

  • There are now record numbers of pupils at 1,267 ISC member schools - 517,113 pupils, the highest level since records began in 1974.
  • ISC pupils are diverse:

    • 382,389 pupils attend co-educational schools; 134,724 attend single-sex schools.
    • 446,471 pupils are day pupils; 70,642 are boarders.
    • 66,026 pupils are identified as having a special educational need or disability.
    • More than 2,500 pupils attend specialist music and dance schools.
    • 29% of pupils are from an minority ethnic background.
    • 5,406 pupils are on full bursaries.
    • 27,211 pupils are from overseas.
  • This year fees increased by 3.5%, the lowest increase since 1994.

  • Fee assistance grew again this year, continuing the long term trend. Almost 170,000 pupils, an unprecedented number, now receive help with their fees with a record value of more than £800m.
  • ISC schools provide more than twice as much assistance in the form of means tested bursaries as they do scholarships; over 40,000 pupils are currently benefitting from a means tested bursary, valued at almost £350m and representing an increase of 6% compared to last year, well above the rate of fee increase.
  • Beyond fee assistance, ISC schools undertake a wide range of work with state-funded schools and in the wider community; 93% of schools are involved in such partnerships. To put this figure into context, only 80% of ISC schools hold charitable status.
  • In addition to partnerships, nearly all ISC schools (98%) raise funds for charities. This year, more than £15m was raised for charity by ISC schools.
  • 92% of ISC pupils go on to Higher Education with 7% of these attending Oxford or Cambridge. 4% choose to study overseas.
  • There is one teacher for every 9.2 pupils in ISC schools.