Media and comms

The Independent Schools Council (ISC) is a membership association made up of schools within membership of one of the five Heads’ associations. ISC is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered with Companies House (registered number 1103760).

This privacy notice is intended to cover information and images provided to ISC for use in media and internal/external communications.

What we collect and what we use this data for

Contributions for use in ISC media/communications may include some or all of the following: - Images of school staff and/or pupils - Full names of school staff and/or pupils - Job titles of school staff - Ages of pupils

Information and images will be used in one or more of the following ISC media and internal/external communications. - Press releases - ISC website - Social media – Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn - Printed publications and marketing materials

Sharing your data

Data contained in ISC press releases will be publicly visible on the ISC website. Press releases are issued to media contacts at national, regional and trade publications, who have editorial freedom to publish the information. Data may also be shared via ISC’s social media channels - Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. ISC’s printed publications are sent to schools within membership of an ISC constituent association (one copy per school). A smaller number of copies are printed to share with third party stakeholders or influencers met during the course of ISC’s sector promotion and public affairs work. Your information will only be shared in the ways outlined in this notice.

Lawful basis under GDPR and retention

ISC is relying on consent to hold this information as you have provided your data for use in ISC media/communications. Press releases remain on the ISC website for historical archiving purposes. Unused printed publications will be destroyed or recycled after 12 months. You can choose to withdraw your consent at any time by emailing or writing to the Independent Schools Council, First Floor 27 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9BU.

Your rights in relation to this data and how to contact us

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) and the UK Data Protection Act 2018, you have certain rights associated with the use of your data.

If you believe that ISC has not complied with this privacy notice or has acted otherwise than in accordance with Data Protection Law, please send your concerns to or the Independent Schools Council, First Floor 27 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9BU. You can also make a referral to or lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).


ISC stores and transfers all data securely and we are committed to ensuring that we only use data processors who are GDPR compliant. For more information on security and ISC’s third party processors, please contact