Year 11 exam results 2017: Rise in entries getting A/7 or higher

Posted on: 02 Sept 2017

Nearly two thirds of GCSE entries at Independent Schools Council (ISC) schools were awarded an A/7 or higher, according to research published today.

Figures from the ISC also reveal that 10% of 9-1 entries received the top 9 grade, compared to 2.9% nationally.

This year’s GCSE results data – collected from 507 schools – show:

  • 62.9% of entries were awarded an A/7 or higher – a 0.8 percentage point rise compared to last year and more than three times the national average of 20%.
  • 94.9% of entries received a C/4 or higher, a 0.1% rise compared to last year.
  • 87.9% of candidates got at least one A*/A or 9/8/7 grade.
  • 70.5% of candidates got at least one A* or 9/8 grade.
  • The average number of GCSEs taken per candidate remains 9.6.

Barnaby Lenon, chairman of ISC, said: “The success recorded by independent schools in their GCSEs this year is clear to see, with increases in the number of entries receiving A/7 or higher and C/4 or higher. Congratulations to all pupils for everything they have accomplished so far.

“These results are a reminder of the importance of Year 11 exams: they compel pupils to cement knowledge in the long term memory, and help young people to understand what steps they next want to take in life. With the demise of AS-levels, GCSE results have become increasingly important.”

Julie Robinson, ISC general secretary, said: “The hard work put in by students has paid off and they, along with school staff, should be proud of all they have accomplished. GCSEs continue to be highly-regarded by both universities and employers, so pupils can confidently use these results as a platform from which to achieve their goals.”

View the exam results here.

Contact Ian Mason, ISC 0207 766 7062, 07825 806017


Independent Schools Council (ISC).

The ISC brings together seven associations and four affiliate associations to represent over 1,300 independent schools. These schools are amongst the best in the world, educating more than half-a-million children. Around half of UK independent schools are ISC schools and these educate around 80% of all independent school children.

The ISC’s seven constituent associations are: Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools (AGBIS), Girls' Schools Association (GSA), Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference (HMC), Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS), Independent Schools Association (ISA), Independent Schools' Bursars Association (ISBA), The Society of Heads. The ISC's four affiliate associations are: Boarding Schools Association (BSA), Council of British International Schools (COBIS), Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS), Welsh Independent Schools Council (WISC).

ISC schools save the taxpayer £3 billion a year from students not being in state education and contribute £9.5 billion to overall UK GDP.