Matthew Burgess, General Secretary, to depart Independent Schools Council

Posted on: 08 Sept 2014

The Independent Schools Council has commenced a professional search for its next General Secretary following the resignation of Matthew Burgess.

Matthew joins the leading education practice of Veale Wasbrough Vizards as a partner specialising in the independent sector.

Barnaby Lenon, Chairman of the Independent Schools Council, said:

"Matthew has worked tirelessly to promote the independent sector and has been an extremely effective advocate for our schools. We are tremendously sad to lose Matthew but wish him well as he continues his career in the sector with Veale Wasbrough Vizards."

During Matthew's tenure at the ISC, initially as Legal Director and subsequently leading the organisation as General Secretary, he refocused ISC's energies around four priorities - conducting effective campaigns with policy makers, compiling authoritative sector research, promoting the sector in the press and providing guidance to schools. Matthew led ISC's successful challenge to the Charity Commission's approach to public benefit in 2010/11, in a judicial review described as "the most significant case in charity law for 50 years". ISC is active across all areas of government law and policy affecting the independent sector and is widely regarded as the most authoritative source of intelligence about the sector, with ISC's data and analysis frequently cited in Parliament and the press.

Matthew Burgess said:

"It has been a privilege to represent the best schools in the world over the last seven years. I look forward to continuing to deliver excellent service to the sector as part of the market-leading education practice at Veale Wasbrough Vizards."

Notes to editors

About ISC schools

The Independent Schools Council (ISC) brings together eight associations of independent schools, their heads, bursars and governors. Through our member associations we represent over 1,200 independent schools in the UK and overseas.

These schools are ranked among the best in the world and educate more than half a million children each year. ISC schools in Britain contribute £9.5 billion to the economy, slightly larger than the City of Liverpool or the BBC. ISC schools generate £3.6 billion in tax and support 227,200 people in employment.

Our eight member associations are Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference, Girls’ Schools Association, the Independent Association of Prep Schools, the Independent Schools Association, the Society of Heads, the Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools, the Independent Schools’ Bursars Association and the Council of British International Schools.

For All Press Enquiries

Please contact: Tracy Cook, Head of Press, ISC Tel: (office) 020 7766 7060 (mobile) 07825 806017 Email:
