ISC Year 13 Exam Results 2011

Posted on: 24 Aug 2011

This year’s A-level exam results from 467 ISC schools show that 19.07% of entries from ISC pupils were awarded the grade A*, rising 0.9 percentage points on 2010.

This year’s A-level exam results from 32,032 candidates at 467 Independent Schools Council (ISC) schools show that 19.07% of entries from ISC pupils were awarded the grade A*, rising 0.9 percentage points on 2010. This compares with a national average of 8.2%.

View Exam Results 2011 data

The proportion of entries from ISC pupils achieving at least an A grade was 52.88%, an increase of 0.85 percentage points on 2010; nationally 27% of entries were awarded at least an A, the same as last year.

Preliminary findings show that 6.49% of ISC candidates (2,078 pupils) were awarded three or more A* grades.

Aggregate data from all 480 schools shows that:

GCE A-level

32,032 pupils, representing 94.15% of the Year 13 ISC cohort, at 467 schools, took at least one A-level; 99.38% [2010: 99.25%] of entries (101,372 out of 102,002) received pass (A-E) grades (national average 97.8% [2010 97.6%]); 19.07% [2010: 18.17%] of entries (19,449) were awarded the top A grade (national average 8.2% [2010 8.1%]); 52.88% [2010: 52.03 %] of entries (53,936) were graded A* or A (national average 27% [2010 27%]).

Pupils at ISC schools take a range of different qualifications. This year ISC has published results from a total of 480 schools, revealing information relating to the following qualifications:


919 pupils (2.7% of the Year 13 ISC cohort), at 36 schools, took at least one Pre-U. Between them, they took a total of 1,606 Pre-Us.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

1,805 pupils (5.31% of the Year 13 ISC cohort), at 54 schools, took the IB.


276 pupils (0.81% of the Year 13 ISC cohort), at 31 schools, took at least one BTEC.

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

1,573 pupils (4.62% of the Year 13 ISC cohort), at 159 schools, took the EPQ.

ISC Deputy Chief Executive Matthew Burgess said:

“Once again, these excellent results reflect the hard work by many thousands of pupils and the excellent teaching in the independent sector. In a year of increased competition for Higher Education places, independent school pupils have delivered year-on-year improvement with more than half of all entries achieving an A* or A grade. This is a tremendous achievement and we congratulate each and every pupil.”


Notes to editors

Relevant A-level results information ISC provides the following data on the achievements of upper sixth formers (Year 13), including their grades in AS-level examinations not taken at full A-level, and, in some schools, the Pre-U, IB, BTEC and the Extended Project Qualification. We are presenting the data for both Applied and non-Applied subjects at A- and AS-level in aggregate form.

The ISC list includes no aggregation of grade information into UCAS points.

ISC Mission Statement

The Independent Schools Council (ISC): working with its members to promote and preserve the quality, diversity and excellence of UK independent education both at home and abroad.

Additional information

ISC represents the eight leading independent schools associations in the UK, collectively educating more than 500,000 children in more than 1,200 schools in the UK and select British schools overseas. In total, there are around 2,600 independent schools in the UK.

View Exam Results 2011 data
