ISC Year 13 Exam Results 2009

Posted on: 29 Aug 2009

Success for ISC pupils at A-level.

A-level exam results from 466 Independent Schools Council (ISC) schools show that this year 52.3% of entries from ISC pupils were awarded grade A. The grade A improvement from ISC pupils on 2008 (1.6 percentage points) was twice that of pupils nationally (0.8 percentage points).

View Exam Results 2009 data

Preliminary results achieved by 32,393 candidates from 466 schools were released today by ISC. A final database of all results (taking into account re-markings and additional returns) will be issued in November.

School-by-school analyses (of those ISC schools who chose to appear on the spreadsheet sent to the press) will available online after 12pm on Saturday at, but the aggregate data show that:

At GCE A-level:

  • 99.4% [2008: 99.4%] of all entries (104,461 out of 105,135) received pass (A-E) grades (national average 97.5% [2008 97.2%]);
  • 52.3% [2008: 50.7%] of entries (54,984) were awarded the top A grade (national average 26.7% [2008: 25.9%]);
  • 77.9% [2008: 76.9%] of entries (81,893) were graded A or B (national average 51.2% [2008 50.8%]).

Commenting on the high proportion of A grades this year (26.7% nationally, 52.3% at ISC schools), ISC Chairman, Dame Judith Mayhew Jonas, said:

"We congratulate all our A-level students for another year of excellent results, which reflect the hard work and commitment of the pupils taking the exams and the skills of their teachers. The results are further proof that the UK independent sector offers a world class education, highly prized across the globe."

ISC Chief Executive, David Lyscom, added:

"The excellent results underline the success of the independent sector in supporting and challenging our pupils to make full use of both their academic abilities and their numerous other talents. These results, in particular the increasing levels of achievement in crucial subject such as maths, sciences and languages, further underline the wider benefits generated by independent schools for the public and society, and notably the huge positive contribution they make to the UK 's future economic success."


Notes to editors

Relevant A-level results information

For the 10th year, ISC provides the following data on the achievements of upper sixth formers (Year 13), including their grades in AS-level examinations not taken at full A level, and, in some schools, Applied A- and AS- examinations and the International Baccalaureate (IB).

The ISC list includes no aggregation of grade information into UCAS points.

View Exam Results 2009 data

ISC Mission Statement

The Independent Schools Council (ISC): working with its members to promote and preserve the quality, diversity and excellence of UK independent education both at home and abroad.

Additional information

ISC represents the eight leading independent schools associations in the UK, collectively educating more than 500,000 children in 1,280 schools in the UK and select British schools overseas. In total, there are around 2,600 independent schools in the UK.
