ISC statement: 'Transforming opportunity in higher education' report from the OfS

Posted on: 29 Jan 2020
Posted by: Julie Robinson

ISC chief executive Julie Robinson responds to a report published today by the Office for Students (OfS) entitled 'Transforming opportunity in higher education'.

The ISC's chief executive said: "No young person considering higher education should face barriers when leaving school. This debate should be about creating opportunity for all and how we can support that aim by working together.

"For example, many independent schools already work successfully with state schools on university entrance partnership projects, helping prepare greater numbers of pupils for the next step in their education.

"Of course, there are many alternative routes available to young people but for those who have worked hard for the chance to receive the university education of their choice, we are in favour of fair, fully contextualised admissions processes. They need careful application because, to use one example, school type is not of itself a proxy for background or an indicator of socio-economic advantage or disadvantage. Many pupils in state schools come from high income homes and many pupils attending independent schools receive means-tested bursaries.

"There is clearly a question to be asked about the potential for universities and colleges to expand to ensure no aspirational individuals are deprived of a place and to help even more talented young people thrive in the UK."
