ISC statement on schools reopening from 1 June

Posted on: 29 May 2020
Posted by: Julie Robinson

Julie Robinson, chief executive of the ISC, responds to the Government's announcement about phased school reopenings from 1 June.

Julie Robinson, chief executive of the ISC, said: “Independent schools are looking forward to opening up to increasing numbers of pupils. Teachers and support staff have been working tirelessly to prepare for phased reopening according to government advice. Following the excellent provision of online learning, schools are keen to see as many pupils as possible back in the school grounds, where it is safe to do so. Although remote education continues for boarders unable to travel back to school at this stage.

“Schools are showing their customary resilience and adaptability in difficult circumstances, and are doing their utmost to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of pupils, families and staff is prioritised.”
