ISC response to the publication of IICSA investigation report

Posted on: 01 Mar 2022
Posted by: Julie Robinson

ISC chief executive Julie Robinson comments on the publication of IICSA's investigation report into the sexual abuse and exploitation of children in residential schools. The report was released at 12pm on Tuesday 1 March.

ISC chief executive Julie Robinson said: “We welcome the publication of IICSA’s report, which would not have been possible were it not for the brave survivors of abuse who came forward to support the inquiry.

“The abuse of trust by predatory individuals is shocking and unforgiveable, and the ISC, associations and schools are now reviewing this report in detail.

“Over the last 25 years, schools have taken a key and active part in developing detailed safeguarding procedures and regular inspection. The welfare and safeguarding of pupils is the absolute priority for schools and we fully support IICSA’s mission to strengthen this area of work.”
