ISC CEO: 'We’re starting to see the impact of VAT looming on the horizon'

Posted on: 18 Jul 2024

In yesterday's King's Speech, the government confirmed that VAT will be imposed on independent school fees. ISC chief executive Julie Robinson has warned there is "noticeable concern" among the parents of children likely to be affected.

Ms Robinson was quoted in The Express, saying: “New parents for this year are asking about VAT, you hear that from speaking to any headteacher.

“There is noticeable concern. Parents are under pressure from the cost of living and recovering from the impact of Covid.

“The majority of families are dual-income households who can afford fees but not comfortably. We’re starting to see already the impact of VAT looming on the horizon.”

Urging ministers to carry out a “full impact assessment” to understand the impact its VAT levy would have on children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) who attend independent schools, she added: "Over 100,000 children and young people without an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) receive specialist SEND support in our schools.

“VAT on their parents’ fees will disrupt education for thousands of them, placing further strain on state SEND provision, which is already in crisis.

“Without a full impact assessment, Labour cannot say what the immediate effect of its policy would be on SEND services and local councils.

“There is a real risk that they would unintentionally pour fuel on a fire that is already very much ablaze.”
