ISC CEO interviewed by Times Radio on impact of Labour's tax plans

Posted on: 02 May 2023
Posted by: Julie Robinson

Julie Robinson, chief executive of the Independent Schools Council (ISC), was interviewed by Times Radio on the cost of an independent education.

In an interview with Chloe Tilley, Ms Robinson explained independent schools are "not immune" to the financial pressures affecting all sectors and that they work hard to remain as affordable as possible. On Labour's plans to tax school fees, she warned: "Inevitably it would price out some [parents] and that would put pressure on an already stretched state sector." Listen from 02:54:15. The interview follows an article in The Sunday Times, in which William Stevens, Killik's head of financial planning, said he is advising parents to prepare for future school fee increases as the investment managers firm estimates the cost of educating two children at some of the country's most expensive schools could reach £1 million.
