Government announcement following 'Schools that work for everyone' consultation - ISC statement

Posted on: 11 May 2018
Posted by: Julie Robinson

ISC general secretary Julie Robinson responds to an announcement by education secretary Damian Hinds, which details educational improvement measures including a Joint Understanding with ISC in support of independent-state school partnerships.

The Department for Education (DfE) has today (Friday 11 May) published a Joint Understanding with the Independent Schools Council (ISC), setting out how it will work in partnership with state schools and, in particular, help pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.

It is part of a package of measures unveiled by education secretary Damian Hinds which aim to provide more choice and raise standards for children from all backgrounds.

Responding to the announcement, ISC general secretary Julie Robinson said: “The Joint Understanding demonstrates a commitment to independent-state school partnerships.

“There is already a huge number of successful joint initiatives going on across the country and with the support of the Government we can encourage the development of this important work.

“When carried out effectively by schools choosing to work together voluntarily to achieve clear and specific aims, partnership projects have the potential to unlock new educational experiences for all involved. Large or small, independent schools are actively contributing to their local communities according to their capacity and particular strengths.

“Alongside the ongoing development of partnership work with state sector colleagues, independent schools are widening access through transformational bursary schemes. This year, almost £400m has been provided in means-tested fee assistance.”
