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Daily News Summary
17 January 2024

School faces High Court challenge over alleged prayer ban
Private hormone clinic receives approval from England's health watchdog
Union members want graded inspections to stop until Ofsted reforms are made, NAHT survey finds
Leading authors call for ministers to invest in early years reading
'Time spent on video games at home can be an unknown quantity for teachers'

School faces High Court challenge over alleged prayer ban


The Michaela Community School, led by former government social mobility tsar Katharine Birbalsingh, is facing a High Court challenge from a Muslim pupil over a decision to impose a "prayer ban". In a hearing yesterday, the child said that the school's policy is discriminatory and has "fundamentally changed" how she feels "about being a Muslim in this country". The pupil is reportedly seeking a "compromise" to the school's position, arguing that they should be allowed to pray for around five minutes at lunchtime, on dates when faith rules require it, but not during lessons. By Emma Yeomans, The Times.

The Times

Private hormone clinic receives approval from England's health watchdog


The Gender Plus Hormone Clinic, a private practice for transgender young people, has been approved by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to prescribe hormones for individuals over the age of 16. The first time a private hormone clinic in the UK has gained such approval, it comes just weeks before the only NHS gender identity service for children in England and Wales is to close, with replacement services promised for the spring. By Lauren Moss and Josh Parry, BBC News.


Union members want graded inspections to stop until Ofsted reforms are made, NAHT survey finds


Ofsted should carry out ungraded inspections on schools for a temporary period while major reforms are carried out, according to headteachers who responded to a survey by the NAHT. Tes outlines seven key findings from the union's 'Rethinking School Inspection' report that has been published today following the inquest into the death of headteacher Ruth Perry. By Cerys Turner.


Leading authors call for ministers to invest in early years reading


A coalition of leading authors, including Sir Michael Morpurgo and Julia Donaldson, is supporting BookTrust's call for the government to invest in a programme giving children from low-income families access to books and reading activities. In a letter to prime minister Rishi Sunak, they warned: "Children who come from disadvantaged homes are the most likely never to discover the joys and benefits of being readers, of loving books, of fulfilling their aspirations in life, of developing their talents." By Alex Taylor, BBC News. 


'Time spent on video games at home can be an unknown quantity for teachers'


Safeguarding lead and deputy head of an independent school Luke Ramsden writes in Tes about the valuable insights to be gained from the recent children commissioner's report on the impact of screen time. Mr Ramsden advises teachers and parents to engage with young people to understand their gaming habits, instead of simply telling them to stop. He says "it is important that the positive elements of a gaming lifestyle are acknowledged by adults and not simply dismissed".



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