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Daily News Summary
4 June 2020

Coronavirus: Just 35% of schools opened on 1 June 'on the terms expected by the Government'
Findings show 149 independent schools have requested to leave the TPS
ISC blog: ‘The value of working in partnership to develop pastoral care within schools’
New guidance on protecting pupils from air pollution

Coronavirus: Just 35% of schools opened on 1 June 'on the terms expected by the Government'


According to a survey of almost 11,000 primary schools, just 35 per cent opened on 1 June on the terms outlined by the Government, with 44 per cent choosing not to reopen to more pupils as instructed. By Will Hazell, iNews. An article in Tes reports on findings from the poll which suggest 15 per cent of primary schools could be asking clinically vulnerable staff to return to work. By Dave Speck.

Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, has urged the Government to reconsider plans to reopen primary schools to all pupils before the end of term, warning "there would not be enough space or staff available" to maintain class sizes of 15. Tes.

Speaking to the Commons education select committee, children's commissioner Anne Longfield has warned school leaders are worried some vulnerable children will never return to school. By Rob Merrick, The Independent. An article in Schools Week summarises the key takeaways from the education select committee. By John Dickens.

Professor Chris Whitty, the Government's chief medical officer, has acknowledged weighing up the benefits and risks of reopening schools to more pupils is a "hard balancing act". By John Dickens, Schools Week.

According to new modelling from the University of Warwick, reopening schools to all year groups is unlikely to cause a second coronavirus wave. By Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph.

Andrew Morris, assistant general secretary of the NEU, has said social distancing will be "nigh impossible" in boarding schools when they reopen. By Catherine Lough, Tes. The article quotes Robin Fletcher, chief executive of the Boarding Schools' Association.

Lomond School in Scotland has announced it will be welcoming pupils back full time from 11 August. By Kirsteen Paterson, The National. The article quotes Johanna Urquhart, principal of the school. An article in The Times reports The Minster School in York has been forced to close after 1,400 years. By Kaya Burgess.

Kirsty Williams, education minister for Wales, has confirmed all schools in Wales will reopen on 29 June, with only a third of pupils in school at any one time. BBC Wales.

The International Baccalaureate has said candidates on the Middle Years Programme will not be awarded grades for on-screen exams in core subjects, despite previously saying students would receive grades for cancelled e-assessments. By Catherine Lough, Tes.

The Scottish Qualifications Authority has warned exam appeals could leave some students with a lower mark. By Henry Hepburn, Tes.

John Swinney, Scotland's education minister, has said the collection of key literacy and numeracy figures in Scotland's schools will be suspended during the pandemic to avoid 'adding considerably to the other pressures on school and education staff'. By Simon Johnson, The Telegraph.

Professor Julia Buckingham, president of Universities UK and vice-chancellor of Brunel University London, writes in The Guardian reassuring students that universities "will be open for business this autumn" as many continue to explore approaches to social distancing. iNews reports on some reservations among current and prospective students over proposals for "virtual" freshers weeks and fixed "bubbles". By Will Hazell.


Findings show 149 independent schools have requested to leave the TPS


Tes reports the number of independent schools that have formally given notice to leave the Teachers' Pension Scheme has risen to 149, an increase of 50 per cent since November 2019. By Catherine Lough.


ISC blog: ‘The value of working in partnership to develop pastoral care within schools’


Robin Southwell-Sander, director of partnerships at Abingdon School, explores how staff and students from both sectors have benefited from an innovative peer mentoring scheme.


New guidance on protecting pupils from air pollution


According to new guidance from the Global Centre for Clean Air Research at the University of Surrey, pupils should avoid using playgrounds near roads in the mornings and outdoor lessons should be rescheduled for later in the school day. By Ben Webster, The Times.

The Times


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