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Daily News Summary
17 February 2020

Report finds an increasing number of schools are hiring Oxbridge entry experts
Oxford college head expresses support for increasing number of state school admissions
Schools and colleges set to receive coronavirus guidance
ISC blog: Why we are calling time on homework
Ofqual warns against 'pressurising' pupils into revising for exams
Figures show demand for grammar places 'far outstrips supply'
Rugby School pupils vote to keep ankle-length skirts

Report finds an increasing number of schools are hiring Oxbridge entry experts


According to a report from the Centre for Social Justice, more schools are appointing experts to help pupils navigate the applications processes for Oxford, Cambridge and other top universities. By Rosemary Bennett, The Times. The article quotes Patrick Derham, head of Westminster School, and references St Paul's School.

The Times

Oxford college head expresses support for increasing number of state school admissions


Helen Mountfield QC, principal of Mansfield College, has said she would like Oxford admissions to be "broadly representative of the society from which people come", suggesting the university could take up to 90 per cent of its students from state schools. By Sian Griffiths, The Sunday Times.

The Sunday Times

Schools and colleges set to receive coronavirus guidance


The Times reports Public Health England is expected to issue guidelines to schools and colleges advising them on what to do should they come into contact with the coronavirus. By Fariha Karim. The article mentions the Girls' Schools Association.

ITV News reports Myddelton College is to remain open throughout half-term and the Easter holidays to support Chinese pupils who are unable to return to China amid the coronavirus outbreak. The article quotes Andrew Allman, the head of the school.


ISC blog: Why we are calling time on homework


Victoria Playford, head of The Mulberry House School, explains why her pupils are no longer required to do homework.


Ofqual warns against 'pressurising' pupils into revising for exams


A new report published by Ofqual has warned against using "fear appeals" to motivate students to prepare for exams, saying they can leave pupils 'marginalised and demotivated, and less likely to perform well as a result'. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph.

The Telegraph

Figures show demand for grammar places 'far outstrips supply'


According to a report published by the Department for Education, the demand to supply ratio for grammar school places is 46 per cent. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph.

The Telegraph

Rugby School pupils vote to keep ankle-length skirts


The Times reports Rugby School is to keep its Edwardian-style ankle-length skirts, after female pupils opposed changes to the uniform policy. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times. The article quotes Lara Hampton, assistant head at Rugby School, and a spokeswoman for Oundle School.

The Times


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