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Daily News Summary
6 November 2018

'Edtech needs investment and leadership'
Ofsted chief asks for more access to monitor the inspectorates for independent schools
Supporting new teachers in their second year is "critical", study shows
The age of a teacher has no impact on pupils' performance, according to report
The cost of learning a musical instrument is 'pricing out' poorer children
Screen time does not impact sleep time, study finds
What is 'school shaming' and is it acceptable?

'Edtech needs investment and leadership'


Ty Goddard, director of the education foundation that has launched Edtech50 Schools, writes in Tes discussing the national strategy for edtech. The article praises "the positive work of groups of committed individuals [such as] the Independent Schools Council Digital Strategy Group".


Ofsted chief asks for more access to monitor the inspectorates for independent schools


In a letter to the Government, Amanda Spielman, Ofsted's chief inspector, has asked the Government for more authority to monitor the inspectorates for independent schools. By John Roberts, Tes.


Supporting new teachers in their second year is "critical", study shows


Research, published by the Department for Education, has shown new teachers can face 'shock' in their second year, when faced with a full timetable and no mentoring. By Helen Ward, Tes.


The age of a teacher has no impact on pupils' performance, according to report


The 'teachers working longer' report published today has revealed the age of a teacher has no “noticeable effect” on pupil performance. By Freddie Whittaker, Schools Week.

Schools Week

The cost of learning a musical instrument is 'pricing out' poorer children


Figures from a study by the Musicians’ Union warn that poorer families will be "under-represented" in the music industry, due to the cost involved with learning musical instruments. By Eleanor Busby, The Independent.

BBC News reports on comments made by musician John Thirkell, who has called on the Government to support children's music lessons.

The Independent

Screen time does not impact sleep time, study finds


A new study, by scientists from the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford, claims children's screen time has minimal impact on the amount of sleep they have. By Joseph Archer, The Telegraph.

The Telegraph

What is 'school shaming' and is it acceptable?


A group of school leaders discuss whether it is acceptable for schools to be criticised in public or on social media, also known as 'school shaming'. By Donna Ferguson, The Guardian.

The Guardian


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