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Daily News Summary
27 July 2018

Data reveals a 4% drop in teacher training applications
Physics trainees least likely to achieve QTS
Rise in unconditional offers means schools can 'lack academic aspiration'
Holiday activities and meals for disadvantaged families to be offered through government fund
Recommended reads to support children's mental health
'Young people should look for summer jobs over the holiday'

Data reveals a 4% drop in teacher training applications


UCAS data published yesterday has revealed a 4% drop in teacher training applications. By Helen Ward, Tes.


Physics trainees least likely to achieve QTS


Official statistics on initial teacher training show that almost one in eight physics trainees do not end up teaching. By Helen Ward, Tes.


Rise in unconditional offers means schools can 'lack academic aspiration'


Dr Martin Stephen, former high master at St Paul’s Boys' School, has warned that the rise of unconditional offers means that schools have no incentive to raise standards. The Telegraph.

The Telegraph

Holiday activities and meals for disadvantaged families to be offered through government fund


A £2m government fund has been announced for holiday activities and meals for disadvantaged families over the summer. By Judith Burns, BBC News.

Read the Department for Education's press release.


Recommended reads to support children's mental health


Primary school librarian and writer, Sam Pope, gives her top recommended reads for helping children to talk about mental health problems. Tes.


'Young people should look for summer jobs over the holiday'


According to the Work and Pensions Secretary, Esther McVey, teenagers should find holiday jobs to give them “essential skills” that will make them more employable later on in life. By Gordon Rayner, The Telegraph.

The Telegraph


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