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Daily News Summary
10 August 2018

IICSA: Ampleforth and Downside investigation report
Preparing for GCSE results day - and life beyond it
School itself is huge cause of poor mental health, say pupils
'Apprenticeships should never be seen as a lesser option'
How the Government can help schools with disadvantaged pupils
White British more likely to get a place at church schools
'Radical action is needed to fix England's broken schools'
Educational apps shown to have limited impact on learning

IICSA: Ampleforth and Downside investigation report


The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has published a report into the Ampleforth and Downside hearings, as part of its investigation into the Roman Catholic Church. There is widespread coverage of this story; BBC News reports that the schools prioritised their 'reputation' over the welfare of pupils.


Preparing for GCSE results day - and life beyond it


Jane Lunnon, head of Wimbledon High School GDST, outlines a few scenarios to prepare students ahead of GCSE results day. The Telegraph.

Read article here.

Richard Cairns, headmaster of Brighton College, also writes in The Telegraph, detailing the different routes pupils can take after their GCSEs.

Read article here.


School itself is huge cause of poor mental health, say pupils


Pupils have given their view on the Government’s green paper ‘Transforming children and young people’s mental health provision’, stating that it fails to acknowledge the negative effect of schools focusing on academic achievement. By Jess Staufenberg, Schools Week.

Schools Week

'Apprenticeships should never be seen as a lesser option'


Lady Cobham CBE, director general of The 5% Club, writes for Tes stating the importance of apprenticeships and arguing they should never be seen as second best.


How the Government can help schools with disadvantaged pupils


Tes details five recommendations for the Government to help schools with disadvantaged pupils. By John Roberts.


White British more likely to get a place at church schools


Researchers at Lancaster University, analysing parental school preferences data for year 6 pupils, have found disadvantaged pupils or pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds are less likely to gain a place at church schools than their white British counterparts. By Jess Staufenberg, Schools Week.

Schools Week

'Radical action is needed to fix England's broken schools'


Melissa Benn writes in The Guardian arguing that drastic action is needed to reform the state of England's education system.

The Guardian

Educational apps shown to have limited impact on learning


Researchers at the University of California have suggested that educational apps for toddlers are having little impact on their development. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.

The Times


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