Alton School

We are a co-educational Catholic school in Hampshire welcoming pupils of all faith or none, offering a broad and vibrant education from Nursery through to Sixth Form. Alton is a happy and friendly school with a family feel and strong pastoral care. Our academic record is excellent and progress is important - our pupils regularly outperform expectations at every stage of their education. Above all, we encourage our pupils to make the most of their individual potential and their talents.

Anstey Lane
GU34 2NG

+44 (0)1420 82070

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ISC associations: ISA, AGBIS, ISBA

Religious affiliation: Roman Catholic

Day/boarding type: Day

Gender profile: Coeducational

Size: 325

Alton School fees:

Day fees per term:
£911 to £6,052

Scholarships & bursaries:

ISC reference number:

DfE reference number:
850 / 6073

Boys - age range & pupil numbers:

Day: 0.5 to 18 (136)

Sixth Form: (4)

Girls - age range & pupil numbers:

Day: 0.5 to 18 (189)

Sixth Form: (10)

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Additional Information

Learning is at the centre of life at Alton School and is reflected in the excellent progress their young people make. Their A level and GCSE results are consistently strong and their pupils regularly outperform expectations at every stage of their education.

Alton School prides itself on knowing each child and finding what sparks their interest or talent. There is a broad range of co-curricular activities and enrichment experiences on offer from the Lower School through to Sixth Form. These include STEM clubs, thought-provoking field trips and reflection time on spiritual retreats. There are a wide range of sports for boys and girls, music for all age groups, drama and art as well as CCF and Duke of Edinburgh.

The minute you step foot in Alton School you feel the sense of family, care and community. Staff work closely with parents to ensure that every child is supported and their individual needs are met. The school has close relationships with other local schools, supports local and national charities and participates in cultural, environmental and educational community initiatives.

Alton School is also part of a vibrant international community, which facilitates inspiring, once in a lifetime trips. These include language exchanges to France, the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes and an exchange programme with their Sister School in Colombia.

Scholarships and Bursaries

Our Hypatia Programme replaces Alton School’s previous awards and scholarships and recognise achievement and ambition in our Senior School. The programme focuses on enrichment and extension and is available for Music, Drama, Art, Sport and Academic. These are non-monetary. Recipients are expected to work hard, set a good example, and challenge themselves.

Hypatia Academic
The focus is on enrichment, extension and stimulating academic challenge. Pupils undertake an independent research project, with the support of a staff mentor, resulting in a final piece which reflects their chosen area of interest. Through doing their project, pupils gain the confidence, support and recognition to think for themselves and plan their own research. Pupils have complete freedom to create a final piece in whatever form they choose, for example a short film, play, robot, model, article, display or essay. With each subsequent academic year, pupils are free to explore new topics and projects, or they may choose to continue to develop their research into a specific field of enquiry.  As they progress through the School, they may also act as mentors for younger pupils, thereby further developing skills of leadership, nurture and teamwork.

Hypatia Sport and Talent ID
This programme enables us to identify our most talented athletes at any age and to monitor their progress. It is made up of two parts:

Talent Identification – From Year 7 and above we identify students who are working hard and showing great promise in their chosen sport and give them encouragement and support to progress. We will also encourage students to join an external club relative to their discipline. The PE department will be able to advise on local clubs to join if they are not already attending. We ask students and parents to keep us updated on their progress in their sport. 

Hypatia Sport – At this stage we identify our most elite athletes. All students will have achieved County level or above in their sport. Students are expected to represent the school, be role models and help run events. Students may be provided with time to perform their Strength and Conditioning programmes/ skill programmes within curriculum time and will be offered a physio screening as part of their programme. They will also be invited to Hypatia Events as well as specific sport talks and events.



The Governors of Alton School are committed to broadening access to the school by offering means tested bursaries to eligible families.  A limited number of bursaries up to 50% of school fees are available each year. Larger awards might be considered in exceptional circumstances by the Bursary Committee.

The number of bursaries may vary from year to year, as it depends upon the availability of funds. The bursaries are awarded by the Bursary Committee which meets during the Spring term to consider applications received for the next academic year. Parents interested in applying for a bursary should contact our Bursar for further details


Scholarships & Bursaries offered

  • H M Forces discounts
  • Sibling discounts
  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils

Disclaimer: Data is provided by the school, ISC is not responsible for inaccuracies